Intel Introduces New Bitcoin Mining Chip

The new Bitcoin mining chip from Intel, dubbed as, Blockscale ASIC is set to launch hopefully in the third Quarter of this year.

New Bitcoin Mining Chip

Tech Manufacturing Giant, Intel recently announced the release of its new upcoming Bitcoin mining chip. According to the announcement made by Intel, the chip is scheduled for release in the third quarter of this year, brining an exciting new set of technological advancements into the crypto mining industry.

Improving Proof-of-Work

Intel mentioned that it intends to optimize the energy consumption that is utilized by the Proof-of-Work mining mechanism, now taking advantage of several years’ worth of hard work that has been put into the research and development of this specific field of crypto mining. Jose Rios from Intel stated that the new Intel Blockscale ASIC is going to perform a significant role, providing Bitcoin mining firm’s a new way to sustain themselves and reach their hash rate scaling objectives much efficiently in the coming times.

Chip Specifications

As for the hardware itself, Intel will only be issuing the chip, which will not include the full ASIC mining machine that is commonly used by many Bitcoin mining facilities. Every single one of the Intel Blockscale ASIC mining chips will have an impressive hash rate of 580 giga hashes in a second (GH/s), an overall power efficiency of about 26 joules in a single tera hash, while also containing around 256 circuits per chain. The Chip will also be able to automatically sense heat temps and respected voltages.

All this means that if a Bitcoin mining machine is powered by exactly 256 of these new Intel Blockscale ASIC chips, the overall resultant hash rate and power consumption will be 148 TH/s and 3,860 Watts respectively. Comparing the Intel chips to the popular mining machines provided by Bitmain, the Bitmain machines not only have slighter less Hash Rate, but also have a lower value of overall power consumption and lesser power efficiency.

Global Chip Shortage

The ongoing issue of the global chip shortage has severely affected the potential of not only the Bitcoin mining firms, but has also generally hindered the production of normal computer systems around the world, so Intel must make sure to make their new chips easily accessible for them to compete with other strong players in the industry.   

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