In the past 24-hours, MONNFTS (MON) has observed an 874.72% surge. Due to the surge, MONNFTS’s price has moved up to $0.06916 per MON. At the moment, the investors are supporting MONNFTS with their strong buying power.
It is being expected that the investors may continue putting in extra effort in the upcoming days to push MONNFTS’s price higher. For now, the investors are bullish about MONNFTS and they may continue buying MONNFTS to push its price up to $0.09924 per MON.
For now, the sentiments of the investors are bullish and they may continue growing higher. This would result in pushing the price of MONNFTS up to $0.5341 per MON. If the buying power keeps increasing from the investors’ end, then MONNFTS may grow up to $1.70 per MON.
As the investors continue growing more confident about keeping the rally going in favor of MONNFTS, then its price may grow up to $3.56 per MON.
FIA Protocol (FIA) is also among the high performers, as it has observed a high rally in the past 24-hours. According to data from TradingView, FIA Protocol’s price has surged by 152.40%. Due to the surge, FIA Protocol’s price is now hovering at $0.002585 per FIA.
The RSI is currently moving in favor of the FIA Protocol, which suggests that its price may soon elevate to $0.004554 per FIA. This would result in boosting the confidence of the investors and they may start backing up FIA Protocol with more buying power.
If the investors increase their buying power, then the price of FIA Protocol may grow up to $0.006290. As the momentum grows in favor of a positive trend for FIA Protocol, then its price may grow up to $0.007488.
FADO Go (FADO) has also observed a great surge in its price in the past 24-hours. The surge observed by FADO Go in the past 24-hours is 99.31%, and it has pushed the price of FADO Go up to $0.009014 per FADO.
For now, it is clear that the investors are bullish about FADO Go and they have increased their buying power. By increasing their buying power, the investors are aiming to push the price of FADO Go to the first strong resistance mark ($0.009014).
If the bears pose no strong challenge to the bulls, then the price of FADO Go may end up elevating to $0.01796. If the investors keep rallying in favor of FADO Go, then its value may surge up to $0.02688 per FADO.
The investors would eventually grow more confident about FADO Go and they may start pushing higher with their buying power. This would eventually push the price of FADO Go all the way up to $0.03357.