Oil Giant Saudi Aramco is Planning to Start Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is definitely trending since China has closed its door on the whole thing; the miners were basically forced to leave the region in search of mining-friendly frontiers. There are many regions that are now active in the case of Bitcoin mining, and Europe and the USA are the prominent ones. But there is a new company on the horizon, all but ready to begin with crypto mining, and that is Saudi Aramco, which is the third-largest company in the world. This is not a spur-of-the-moment decision; Saudi Aramco has the capital and resources to fuel capital into Bitcoin mining, which is precisely what is happening here. 

Saudi Aramco is Going to Launch its Bitcoin Mining Platform

A miner from Brazil by the name of Ray Nasser has confirmed this very move from Saudi Aramco; he established the news in a YouTube interview that the oil processing and refining giant is very much interested in Bitcoin mining and is setting things to do so as we speak. He also mentioned some of the facts about the company, such as the things that the company owns, their overall portfolio, and such. 

Ray told investing.com, a YouTube channel, that the company owns all the crude oil that is retrieved from the dessert, and in addition to this, the company has enough energy as we speak to power half of the Bitcoin mining that is taking place at the moment. So, yes, this is the big news for the mining sector that they are finally going to encounter a competitor that is not only tough but has the resources to take the game from their hands.  And Saudi Aramco doesn’t have to dedicate its oil reserves for Bitcoin mining; the excessive gas that is produced as a result of oil extraction and refining would be used to mine Bitcoin. Isn’t it convenient to be able to use an utterly excessive thing and put it into some worthwhile endeavor, Bitcoin mining?

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