This Year Litecoin Will Surpass Bitcoin

This Year Litecoin Will Surpass Bitcoin

Yesterday Litecoin founder Charlie Lee tweeted that he sees Litecoin to surpass Bitcoin Cash by the end of this year. Critics mentioned the recent hard work by Litecoin team to push cryptocurrency up, adopting it for number of platforms. It was a reasonable fact for potential rise in value. But is it enough to overtake BCH?

Merchant Implementation

There are rumors, that Litecoin is going to launch LitePal. It will work in similar way as PayPal, supporting transactions with small fees, but having backed by Litecoin blockchain. It’s an innovative step towards pushing LTC forward and such a move could push up the asset’s value.

Bitcoin News

Following Bitcoin

Litecoin was originally based on Bitcoin and generally has the same market principles as the ‘digital gold’. In recent months, Litecoin has began to offer its own innovation and this can only lead to predictable, stable growth, without the sort of volatility witnessed by Bitcoin owners and fans during recent times.

A Great Time to Hold, a Great Time to Buy

The current Litecoin holders are at an advantage, as many experts predict the asset will continue a slow, upward trajectory throughout the year. Those considering getting in the action are advised to do so sooner rather than later, as further big announcements are expected from Charlie Lee and the rest of the team – many of which are being kept tightly under wraps. The worst possible thing for Litecoin doing right now is to offload the coin. But if you’ve got it, keep it; if you want it, buy it. That’s the recommendation.

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