UBRI Connect 2019: The Importance of Collaboration with Policy Makers

UBRI Connect 2019: The Importance of Collaboration with Policy Makers


During the 2019 UBRI Connect of Ripple, the global head of government relations at Ripple, Michelle Bond had a discussion with Blockchain Association director Kristin Smith. The topic of the conversation was the nowadays law reforming in the crypto sphere & the expectations we can have with the continuous maturation of crypto sphere.

Discussing the entrance of Facebook’s Libra white paper, Smith mentioned that the entry of new revolutionary tech requires time for the regulations maintain the pace. For policymakers it’s essential to be aware of the industry nuances to be able to form conditions, permitting tech invention to succeed.

The Blockchain Association & its members, including Ripple as well, have a mission to be the blockchain industry’s united voice, informing & cooperating with policy makers to proceed trust, transparency & distributed technologies, as well as services’ safety.

Kristin Smith noted: “Once you educate & get to the point of clarity, there is increased interest in trying to find the right public policy solutions to fix today’s problems.”

Although, current continuous discussions with policy developers are motivational for this sector, yet there is quite a lot to be done worldwide. With no regulatory transparency, countries risk to push new techs’ provided invention, tax revenues & job opportunities.

However, during the time, it becomes more critical than ever to be united and realize these techs’ global effect.


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