Price Analysis of Moon Rabbit (AAA) and H2O DAO (H2O)

Time to go through the price analysis data of Moon Rabbit and H2O DAO to see how they have performed in the past 24-hours. Let us also take a look at their performance in the upcoming days.

Moon Rabbit (AAA) – 37.94% Price Surge

The price of Moon Rabbit has rushed by the strong efforts of the investors in the past 24-hours. The digital asset has experienced a 37.94% surge that has pushed its price from a low of $0.0001051 per AAA to its current price ($0.0001356).

So far, it is a strong demonstration from the bulls’ end as they have exerted a lot of buying power in the past 24-hours. This is the reason why the investors have also gathered in favor of the bulls and they are investing a lot of money in the cause as well.

The rally formed by the bulls and the investors has not only elevated the trading value of Moon Rabbit but also the trading volume. The information gathered from CoinMarketCap shows that the trading volume for Moon Rabbit has surged by 178.71% in the past 24-hours. Following the surge, the trading volume for Moon Rabbit has been pushed up to $4,345,206.

Even after a 24-hour rally, the investors have no intentions of ending it. They are constantly marching alongside the bulls and breaking through all the defenses that the bears are placing in their path.

If the buyers continue with their strong buying spree, then the price of Moon Rabbit may surge to $0.0001501 per AAA.

As the investors continue buying Moon Rabbit with more energy and determination, the price of Moon Rabbit may continue heading in the upward direction. This would result in pushing the price of Moon Rabbit to a high of $0.0001683 per AAA.

Once the RSI and the moving averages of Moon Rabbit become more bullish, the investors may gain the power to go for higher gains. This would result in pushing the price of Moon Rabbit to a high of $0.0001896 per AAA.

H2O DAO (H2O) – 25.13% Price Surge

H2O DAO price has also experienced a surge in the past 24-hours and the investors have pushed it up with a 25.13% rally. The rally has successfully pushed the price of H2O DAO from a low of 0.2834 per H2O to a high of $0.3635 per H2O.

Even at the moment, the trading price of H2O DAO is growing and more investors would join the bullish trend if H2O DAO’s price continues elevating. If the trend stays put for a longer period of time, the price of H2O DAO may surge to $0.4039 per H2O.

Going forward, the price of H2O DAO may grow up to a high of $0.4347 per H2O. If the RSI and the moving averages grow more bullish, the price of H2O DAO may rise up to $0.4621 per H2O.

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