Porn Site Tube8 Will Give Its Visitors Cryptocurrencies For Viewing Porno
Porn site Tube8, a subsidiary of Pornhub, announced its plans to reward viewers with the help of crypto currency.
The website first reported that Tube8, which receives 150 million visitors a month, is collaborating with Vice Industry Token (VIT) to develop a rewards program in which users will receive crypto-tokens to interact with the site.
It is expected that the deployment will occur at the end of 2018, although Tube8 does not disclose how the reward system will work or how tokens will be calculated.
However, it is expected that the site will set some restrictions so that users can not play the system.
Back in April, the mother company Tube8 Pornhub announced that it was going to start accepting Verge’s cryptocurrency payments.
This marks the last raid that the adult industry has done in the world of Fintec. Back in April, the mother company Tube8 Pornhub announced that it was going to start accepting Verge’s cryptocurrency payments. After the announcement of the Verge cryptocurrency acceptance process, as well as others, such as Monero, recorded a sharp rise in prices.