Pips Class
I really like the fact that Pips Class truly prepares you for real trading. While you are learning, it offers you daily news and reviews from the market. It also gives you tools to react to changing market conditions and check how effective your trading strategies would be if you were live trading.
Pips Class Review
You want to learn how to trade but don’t know which academy you should join. You have seen so many ads of people that are advertising themselves as trading experts that you are confused which one to pick.
Let me tell you that a lot of people who tell you they are experts haven’t traded and put their money on the line in any financial market. If you are serious about learning how to trade, I want you to continue reading this Pips Class review.
There aren’t many places where the education is taken this seriously and offered to you at such affordable prices. The most important part is that you don’t spend your money on anything that you are not going to use. I’m sure things will be clearer for you if you read my complete Pips Class review.
Choose from Many Education Packages
You have plenty of packages to choose from before you pay a single penny to this academy. So, let me tell you that there are 6 different education packages that have been designed with different students in mind. If you have never traded before and aren’t aware of any concepts, I recommend you go with the Beginner package, which is the first on the list and costs you no more than $250.
However, if you are ready to start your trading career and have some basics down, you can go with the appropriately named Student package that you can join with a deposit of only $500.
Just like that, you have 4 more packages that are for different types of traders and investors. If you think you have reached the advanced level of trading and just need some unique strategies, you can go with the Elite package for only $5000.
Learn What Matters
The more learning material you have available the better. This statement might sound correct to you on the surface, but I would say it is completely wrong. If you look closely, it’s like saying that you can put all the advanced level physics and chemistry books in front of a 1st-grade child.
Do you think that would make sense and the kid would learn anything? The same would happen to a student who hasn’t read anything about trading before and is offered all the training material at once. With Pips Class, you can pick the package that offers you just enough material for you to get started.
For example, if you look at the Beginner package, it will give you access only to the Trading Essentials Course, which includes all the basics of trading in it. It also comes with some eBooks that will explain to you different financial markets and other basic trading concepts. You can learn it with 1 hour of study time every day with only 47 lessons to complete everything. If you go with a higher package, you will have more course levels and nearly 150 different lessons.
Leave No Subject Behind
Leave nothing behind when you learn on Pips Class. This academy has made sure that you learn each and everything about trading and can call yourself an expert in front of anyone. So, if you look at the details of the courses, you have 20 different subjects that will be covered throughout the course.
Furthermore, if you cover all three levels of the courses, you will learn trading basics, technicalities, and strategies. Of course, there will not be much more left to understand when you have completed 145 different lessons. The best part is that you are given access to economic and crypto calendar and taught about MT4 and MT5 trading platforms.
Final Thoughts
I really like the fact that Pips Class truly prepares you for real trading. While you are learning, it offers you daily news and reviews from the market. It also gives you tools to react to changing market conditions and check how effective your trading strategies would be if you were live trading.