Brazilian Climate Firm Moss Sells NFTs To Save the Forest

Moss is a climatic company located in Brazil. They provide blockchain environmental solutions. So far, they are known for providing carbon credits to high-profile companies (such as airlines) that are affecting the earth badly. The airline purchases carbon credits and Moss replenishes carbon by planting trees to save rainforests; which eliminates much of the damage that is done by dirty companies. According to the company, it has saved about 735 million trees in Amazon through universally authorized and audited projects.

Now, they showed the determination for the protection of the Amazon rainforest collectively. So they have an idea to do that. They recently purchased a large piece of Amazon and distributed it in hectares. The NFT has the rights to every hectare, and they are going to sell now. Moss Amazon NFT grants permission for keen parties to participate in the conservation of the Amazon forest.

With this fresh green asset, Moss is hopeful that many people from around the world will be ready to help them for saving big parts of the rainforest. Current week, tokens were arranged for a pre-sale round on the platform of OpenSea. These tokens were sold out within an hour.

If you were excited to buy these tokens but lost this chance, there is no need to worry at all because you can register for getting a notification of the next sale. There are some hollow, futile NFTs available on the platforms of NFT. But it seems that this NFT series caters to all the shit created by other dumb, awkward NFT products.

The OpenSea blurb states, “Own your piece of the Amazon Forest. It’s all about everything like the land, the tree. It’s not mere another game card or a protection fundraiser. None of that ‘buy this art for protecting the forest’ stuff. This NFT is the certificate of real estate ownership. By purchasing your piece of Amazon Forest, you take part in the making of a ‘Green Wall’ of property, which focuses on protection and acts as a barrier to advancing deforestation. According to the calculation of Moss, we can stop deforestation in Amazon by creating 15 million hectares of the ‘Green Wall’. It will probably cost 10 billion dollars. We’ve got most of the land required for this “green wall.”

Recent NFT purchasers are new owners of the land equal to a football field. They also obtained an encrypted digital license of ownership, which confirms authenticity and sovereignty over forest areas. It is hoping that this will transform the area and its features into a “collective” item.

The CEO of Moss, Luis Felipe said that our goal is to save Amazon and we will try to make it possible for many people to be part of that dream through blockchain technology and innovation. By purchasing an area of ​​50 hectares, we have begun a movement for the protection of this area. Surely: more areas and NFTs will be available soon.

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