9Cat NFTS Will Introduce New Features To Make Its Way Into the Metaverse

As the field of the metaverse is in its developmental phase with several related projects entering the space, 9Cat NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are all ready to take place in the race. 9Cat will move beyond its position of a collectible and instead, it will symbolize a considerably unique, engaging, and functional pay-to-earn venue having a distinct model.

Having been developed on the behalf of a group of 12 people with 4 artists, 4 developers, 2 community managers, and 1 marketing executive in it and all of them are driven by Wany Lam – the project’s Chief Executive Officer. At the foundational point, 9Cat is prepared to be turned out as among the prominent categorized P2E games.

The 9Cat NFT game

The P2E game based on 9Cat will start with the introduction of a unique collectible having 9,999 distinct collectibles of the fundamental character of the game, the 9CAT. By being a holder of 9Cat NFT a consumer will be allowed to access the impending blockchain game named 9Cat Saga Adventure.

With the NFT, the players will be permitted to acquire 9Meta as well as 9Photon fungible tokens during the gameplay time. The initial episode of the game is specified to situate in the remnants of an oldest alien camp. The players of the game will be required to make a run for survival by shooting on the enemy legions.

The beneficial features of the game

Through the accomplishment of several quests, the clients can obtain loot as well as 9Photon tokens in rewards. The art showing the 9Cat gaming space will entirely be generated procedurally and will be a commendation to the wide-ranged demand by the players, with the offers that it will provide to them.

Several tokens are incorporated being a part of the respective blockchain game. 9Photon – one of the tokens slated to be utilized along with in-game upgrades –the fundamental ecosystem token called 9Meta token is being designed for use across the ecosystem to purchase characters, skins, unique weapons, planets, as well as DAO voting.

Wendy stated that the 9Metaverse takes account of several places around the universe and it presents a space journey traveled by a cute cat that utilizes alien technology, with having endless opportunities for plot and character design. He added that the majority of P2E programs tend to be focused on games’ earning dimensions than the fun and recreation of the players.

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