650 Banks In The United States May Offer BTC Purchases Soon

On the 30th of June, NYDIG and NCR to allow close to 650 United States banks to offer BTC purchase opportunities to clients. This latest development will allow credit unions and banks to offer digital currency trading via a mobile application developed by NCR, which will bypass any regulatory resistance in the process. Previously, many prominent financial giants of Wall Street shied away from offering digital currency services because of possible regulatory penalties. Because of this deal, now NYDIG will be in charge of the check and balance of the participating banks, in-process allowing somewhat 24 million consumers easy access to the crypto world.

The recent move allows customers to buy and utilize their cryptocurrency directly from the banks rather than a middle man exchange.

Douglas, NCR’s digital banking president said:

That NCR is a staunch supporter of digital assets and their applications. This can be witnessed by the company’s relationship with NYDIG, retailers, restaurants and so on.

This Atlanta-based company was compelled to make this choice due to an increase in customer interest for digital currencies. Credit unions and banks were frustrated by digital asset-purchases conducted via their accounts to foreign platforms, so the financial giant jumped on the opportunity. As a result of this collaboration, these organizations are now in serious rivalry with digital asset exchanges that formerly held a market monopoly.

Yan Zhao, co-founder of Stone Ridge and president of NYDIG since December 2020, explained: “A number of these institutions have observed how one of the largest withdrawals from their customers is transferring money out of the bank onto platforms such as Coinbase.  That is one of the reasons why financial organizations are so ecstatic to have such an option.

Since about March 2021, NYDIG’s digital assets portfolio was worth about $6b, including at least 30k bitcoins worth $1b held by Stone Ridge Holdings, which is also the parent company of NYDIG.   According to the company, this agreement allows them to provide BTC services to about 70% of US institutions.

It is not NCR’s debut foray into the crypto world; the company previously collaborated with digital assets payment supplier Flexa to enable convenience chain Sheetz’s 600 for paying petrol as well as other items in BTC or altcoins.

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